Tech and the (Facing History) Classroom

Posted by KC Kourtz on March 18, 2013

This week a colleague of mine, Mary Hendra, shared with me an interesting article from In it, author Joan Flaherty discusses the gap she perceives between herself, a non-digital “native,” and her students, members of the so-called “millennial generation,” a group that has grown up with digital technology.

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Topics: Professional Development, Antisemitism, Social Media, School Culture, Media Skills, DMIN, Online Learning, Critical Thinking, Facing Technology

Teachers' Perspectives on the Digital Divide

Posted by Justin Reich on March 7, 2013

The Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project continually delivers fascinating, high-quality research products. Their most recent study of teachers and technology surveyed several thousands teachers involved in Advanced Placement classes and the National Writing Project; they call them "leading edge" teachers. For me, the most interesting part of the report digs deeply into issues of technology and equity. One set of highlights includes these findings:

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Topics: Professional Development, Digital Divide, School Culture, Critical Thinking, Facing Technology

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