2015 marks a decade of partnership between Facing History and Ourselves and The Allstate Foundation. Together, we have held over 100 Community Conversations in ten cities, engaging more than 70,000 teachers, parents, and community members.
To celebrate the occasion, we are sharing a few of our “greatest hits.” These one-minute clips feature powerful and passionate speakers who touch on vastly different topics but, ultimately, address the same question: how can we become advocates for positive social change in our communities and beyond?
Wes Moore: What’s My Responsibility?
Cleveland, 2012
Wes Moore is the author of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates. By sharing his own powerful story of resilience and participation, Moore shows us how caring teachers, mentors, and volunteers who work with youth can change the course of a young person's life.
Dr. Deborah Prothrow-Stith: Violence Prevention Starts in the School
Chicago, 2013
Dr. Deborah Prothrow-Stith is a nationally recognized public health leader. As a physician working in inner-city hospitals and clinics, she broke new ground by defining youth violence as a public health problem, not just as a criminal justice issue. Her passion created a social movement to prevent violence that has had an impact across the U.S.
Creating Change in Darfur: Actor Don Cheadle Shares His Inspiration
San Francisco, 2007
Actor Don Cheadle (Hotel Rwanda) shared his powerful experiences traveling to Chad to visit with refugees from Darfur. His message tells us how the hope and optimism of the people we meet can inspire us to help.
Douglas Blackmon on the Persistent Past: How Do We Confront History?
Denver, 2014
Douglas Blackmon, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Slavery By Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II, delivers a searing examination of the enslavement of African Americans and the profound legacy that persists today.
Daniel Goldhagen on Understanding Genocide: One Choice Can Make a Difference
Chicago, 2010
Daniel Jonah Goldhagen is the author of Worse Than War: Genocide, Eliminationism, and the Ongoing Assault on Humanity, which is about reconceptualizing, understanding, and finally stopping genocide. By interviewing victims, perpetrators, politicians, aid workers, and others affected by mass violence, Goldhagen identifies the consequences of choices made by individuals and implores us to influence those choices to prevent genocide and mass violence.
Join the celebration in person or online. Check out our incredible fall lineup of Community Conversations featuring thought leaders who are recognized around the globe. They include bestselling authors Margaret Stohl, Lalita Tademy, and Isabel Wilkerson; Pultizer Prize-winning journalist Sonia Nazario; acclaimed photojournalist Lynsey Addario; and inspiring legal thinker and human rights advocate Bryan Stevenson.
Stories Matter: How is To Kill a Mockingbird Relevant Today?
October 19, 2015, San Francisco Bay Area, California
Register today. Add your voice!
A Community Conversation with Sonia Nazario
November 5, 2015, Cleveland, Ohio
Register today. Add your voice!
A Photographer’s Life of Love and War:
A Community Conversation with Lynsey Addario
November 12, 2015, Chicago, Illinois
This is event is at capacity but live stream will be available.
Register for information on how to access the live stream.
Talking About Injustice:
A Community Conversation with Bryan Stevenson
December 9, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts
Register today. Add your voice!
This event will be live streamed. Register for more information.