Crystal Fresco Gifford

Crystal is a 7th grade Social Studies Teacher and 8th Grade Leadership Teacher in Seattle, WA. Now in her 13th year of teaching, she spent the majority of her professional career teaching at the Facing History High School in NYC. She is a believer that every child has to be given an opportunity and should be empowered to choose to participate. This belief has helped her create a community of positive upstanders and agents of change in her classrooms. She hopes to share her vision and love of learning with her students and two young sons, Jack and Henry.

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Showing My Students that Stories Matter

Posted by Crystal Fresco Gifford on November 25, 2015

In this age of smartphones, social media, and text messaging, I sometimes ask myself when was the last time I sat down to actually talk and listen to someone. I wonder how often my students actually engage in face-to-face conversations, especially even more with someone who is older than them.

Then twice in one week I stumbled across The Great Thanksgiving Listen, first on my drive home listening to NPR and then during my Twitter check-in before bed. What was this Great Listen project? I wanted to know more.

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Topics: Classrooms, Students, Facing History and Ourselves, StoryCorps

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