Political theorists, going as far back as John Stuart Mill and John Dewey, have long argued that exposure to diverse perspectives is vital both to a robust civil society and to the development of individuals within those societies.
Justin Reich
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Topics: Classrooms, Books, Schools, Facing History and Ourselves, Teachers, Facing Technology
The Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project continually delivers fascinating, high-quality research products. Their most recent study of teachers and technology surveyed several thousands teachers involved in Advanced Placement classes and the National Writing Project; they call them "leading edge" teachers. For me, the most interesting part of the report digs deeply into issues of technology and equity. One set of highlights includes these findings:
Topics: Professional Development, Digital Divide, School Culture, Critical Thinking, Facing Technology
Digital Learning Day and You: How Online Tools Prepare Students for Citizenship
Posted by Justin Reich on February 4, 2013
Digital Learning Day is coming up on February 6, and there will no doubt be a lot of conversation and debate about whether online tools can help students prepare for career and college. While career and college preparation are important goals, they aren’t the sum of the purposes of schools: Our educational institutions also have an obligation to prepare students for citizenship and for a reflective, ethical, and well-examined life.
Topics: Antisemitism, Media Skills, DMIN, Critical Thinking, Facing Technology