This week a colleague of mine, Mary Hendra, shared with me an interesting article from In it, author Joan Flaherty discusses the gap she perceives between herself, a non-digital “native,” and her students, members of the so-called “millennial generation,” a group that has grown up with digital technology.
Topics: Professional Development, Antisemitism, Social Media, School Culture, Media Skills, DMIN, Online Learning, Critical Thinking, Facing Technology
The Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project continually delivers fascinating, high-quality research products. Their most recent study of teachers and technology surveyed several thousands teachers involved in Advanced Placement classes and the National Writing Project; they call them "leading edge" teachers. For me, the most interesting part of the report digs deeply into issues of technology and equity. One set of highlights includes these findings:
Topics: Professional Development, Digital Divide, School Culture, Critical Thinking, Facing Technology