For the past three years, Dr. Sybil Hampton has been featured as a guest speaker for Facing History and Ourselves’ online course, “Choices in Little Rock.” Her experience as one of the first African American students to graduate from Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1962 makes her a witness to history. She shares her reflections on why she chooses to participate in Facing History’s online professional development courses.
Register today! Our online courses start on February 4.
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Civil Rights Movement,
Professional Development,
Civil Rights,
Online Learning
Next week we will take the time to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His message of calling people from all walks of life to work together in support of the common good is just as pertinent now as it was then. As we prepare to talk to our students about what Dr. King stood for, here are some digital tools to bring his words and ideas to life in your classroom. This round up will enhance your students’ ability to study his role in the Civil Rights Movement while inspiring them to participate as upstanders in their own communities.
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Choosing to Participate,
Civil Rights,
Media Skills,
Online Learning,
Facing Technology
This month marks 100 years since the start of the Armenian Genocide. This event raises important questions. How do historical events influence our identity and our perception of the "other"? Why do genocides frequently take place under the cover of war? What choices do individuals, groups, and nations have when responding to genocide and other instances of mass violence?
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Armenian Genocide,
Media Skills,
Online Learning,
Flipped Classroom,
Facing Technology
I remember driving to work one morning in 2008, vaguely paying attention to the DJ discussing Ashton Kutcher‘s recent Twitter rant about noisy neighbors. I had no idea what Twitter was.I was 25 at the time, right about at the stage in my life where adulthood began to officially set in and my knowledge of all things trendy began to rapidly decrease.
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Professional Development,
Teaching Resources,
Social Media,
Media Skills,
Online Learning,
Critical Thinking,
Facing Technology
Reviewing the year we will soon be leaving behind, here are the Top Five Most Read Posts from Facing Technology
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To Kill a Mockingbird,
English Language Arts,
Facing History and Ourselves,
Civil Rights,
Holocaust and Human Behavior,
Holocaust Education,
Common Core State Standards,
Online Learning,
Flipped Classroom,
Facing Technology
Survivor testimonies—firsthand accounts from individuals who lived through genocide and other atrocities—help students more deeply appreciate and empathize with the human and inhuman dimensions of important moments in history. They supplement what we learn from historians and secondary sources by offering unique perspectives on the difficult and sometimes impossible situations individuals were forced to confront during moments of collective violence and injustice.
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Survivor Testimony,
Experiential education,
Holocaust Education,
Online Learning,
Facing Technology

Do you teach Harper Lee's classic To Kill a Mockingbird?
Check out these two flipped classroom exercises that can help engage students in the issues central to the novel—and their own lives—including race, class, gender, justice, and moral growth. The first exercise activates student thinking about "stereotype threat," or how stereotypes can negatively affect us in our daily lives. The second sets the historical setting of To Kill a Mockingbird.
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To Kill a Mockingbird,
English Language Arts,
Facing History and Ourselves,
Online Learning,
Flipped Classroom,
Critical Thinking,
Facing Technology
As October is Connected Educator Month, we are pleased to announce Facing History's new partnership with Educator Innovator! Educator Innovator, powered by the National Writing Project, provides an online “meet-up” for educators who are re-imagining learning. Educator Innovator is both a blog and a growing community of educators, partners, and supporters. Read more about it on our sister blog Learn + Teach + Share.
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Choosing to Participate,
Online Learning,
Critical Thinking,
Facing Technology
Happy back-to-school season! We hope the academic year is off to a terrific start and are excited to support you with new readings, streaming video, lesson ideas, webinars, and other opportunities for professional development.
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Facing History and Ourselves,
Media Skills,
new website,
differentiated instruction,
Online Learning,
Critical Thinking,
Facing Technology