New Resource from Teaching Tolerance Features Diverse Readings on Identity and Action
Posted by Jocelyn Stanton on December 12, 2014
Topics: Teaching Resources, Civil Rights, Holocaust and Human Behavior, Diversity, Common Core State Standards
After Eric Garner: One School’s Courageous Conversation
Posted by Dr. Steven Becton on December 10, 2014
As I prepared to write this post, I had to confront the most difficult, yet most important, person that I would be in conversation with: myself.
Topics: Classrooms, Teaching Strategies, Democracy, Students, Human Rights, Safe Schools, Teaching, Schools, News, Identity, Teaching Resources, Teachers
December 10 is International Human Rights Day. Below are five resources that help make connections between struggles for human rights from history and our own lives today.
Topics: Books, Choosing to Participate, Human Rights, Facing History Resources, Video, History
Topics: Books, Facing History Resources, Genocide/Collective Violence, Facing History and Ourselves, Teaching Resources, History
Political theorists, going as far back as John Stuart Mill and John Dewey, have long argued that exposure to diverse perspectives is vital both to a robust civil society and to the development of individuals within those societies.
Topics: Classrooms, Books, Schools, Facing History and Ourselves, Teachers, Facing Technology
On December 1, 2014, Facing History and Ourselves welcomed Roger Brooks as our new President and CEO.
Topics: Roger Brooks, Facing History and Ourselves
Survivor testimonies—firsthand accounts from individuals who lived through genocide and other atrocities—help students more deeply appreciate and empathize with the human and inhuman dimensions of important moments in history. They supplement what we learn from historians and secondary sources by offering unique perspectives on the difficult and sometimes impossible situations individuals were forced to confront during moments of collective violence and injustice.
Topics: Webinar, Antisemitism, Survivor Testimony, Experiential education, EdTech, Holocaust Education, Online Learning, Facing Technology
How You Can Impact Students Around the World With One Click
Posted by Julia Rappaport on December 1, 2014
For 38 years, Facing History and Ourselves has been empowering young people to examine complex moments in history and understand the transformative power we all possess as human beings. This Giving Tuesday, we are sharing some of the ways Facing History students and teachers around the world are making positive differences.
Topics: Classrooms, Give, Choosing to Participate, Students, Schools, Facing History Together, Facing History and Ourselves, Teachers
Each year, Facing History and Ourselves and Knights and Daughters of Vartan host an annual Armenian Genocide Commemoration Essay Contest. In 2014, the contest asked high school and college students across the United States to respond to the question, “On the threshold of the 100th anniversary, how should the world recognize the Armenian Genocide?” This essay, from Facing History student Elizabeth Ray, took second place. It was reprinted with Elizabeth's permission.
Topics: Student Voices, Online Workshop, Choosing to Participate, Armenian Genocide, Facing History Resources, Teaching, Facing History Together, Genocide/Collective Violence, Facing History and Ourselves, Teaching Resources, History
As a teacher, you carefully prepare for your students, plan your lessons, develop curriculum that will meet expectations of administrators, engage students, and build critical skills for academic success. And then, there are the news items – local or global – that capture students’ hearts and minds
Topics: Classrooms, Facing History Resources, Safe Schools, Teaching, News, Identity, Race and Membership, Teachers, Civil Rights