"What does it mean to be American?" is a timely question amidst the immigration debate but it's also one the United States has been struggling with for years. In 2014, New York Times reporter Damien Cave traveled the length of highway I-35, which runs south to north through the middle of the United States, for his “The Way North” project. Along the way, he asked 35 people this question. In 1997, the PBS documentary, A More Perfect Union, addressed the same issue. The complexity of these answers over time still resonates today.
Facing History and Ourselves
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What Does it Mean to be American? 9 Quotes from Around the Country
Posted by Facing History and Ourselves on February 27, 2018
Topics: Identity
When People Tell Me To Get Over Race, I Remember Elie Wiesel's Words
Posted by Facing History and Ourselves on February 7, 2018
Sonari Glinton is a journalist who read Night as a young boy and went on to study with Elie Wiesel when he was a student at Boston University. In a 2016 essay written right after Wiesel's death, Glinton describes how he was first drawn to Night simply because it looked like a quick read for a book report he’d been assigned to write. He was surprised to discover that he identified with its protagonist, even though, as a black boy growing up in Chicago, he and Eliezer would seem to have little in common. Still, Glinton saw himself in Eliezer’s love of books and theology and his status as part of an out-group in his society. Eliezer’s sense of fragility and vulnerability felt familiar.
Topics: Race and Membership
Need a New Year's Resolution? Practice More Empathy. Here's How.
Posted by Facing History and Ourselves on January 3, 2018
It's the season for resolutions. The beginning of a new year makes us promise ourselves to be more healthy or to get more sleep or to spend more time with family. But what about practicing more empathy—that is, the ability to sincerely understand and share someone else’s feelings? Jane McGonigal, world-renowned game designer and Director of Game Research and Development for the Institute for the Future, says you can. And she can tell you how.
Topics: Empathy
Charlottesville Roundup: Lessons to Use in Your Classroom Today
Posted by Facing History and Ourselves on August 29, 2017
In response to the recent events in Charlottesville, Facing History and Ourselves, Teaching Tolerance, the Anti-Defamation League, the American Federation of Teachers, and EduColor teamed up to support educators as they return to the classroom.
Topics: current events
Power up Your Summer Learning with a Facing History Online Course
Posted by Facing History and Ourselves on June 1, 2017
Topics: Professional Development
How You Can Practice Empathy in Your Everyday Life
Posted by Facing History and Ourselves on December 21, 2016
Can you practice being more empathetic—that is, the ability to sincerely understand and share someone else’s feelings? Jane McGonigal, world-renowned game designer and Director of Game Research and Development for the Institute for the Future, says you can. And she can tell you how.
Topics: Gaming, Social-Emotional Learning, Empathy, Community Conversations
Reflecting on Kristallnacht 78 Years Later
Posted by Facing History and Ourselves on November 11, 2016
November 9 marked the 78th anniversary of a series of violent attacks against Jews spread across Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia. Known as Kristallnacht, or “the night of broken glass,” it was the most open and violent attack on Jews by the Nazi regime up until that time. The aftermath was devastating: between 1,500 and 3,000 Jews were killed; 30,000 were sent to concentration camps; over 7,000 Jewish businesses were destroyed; and synagogues across Germany were burned down.
Topics: Memory, Holocaust, Holocaust and Human Behavior, reflection
Learning Across Borders at the Advanced International Seminar
Posted by Facing History and Ourselves on September 26, 2016
In this increasingly globalized world, we can learn a lot from each other. That's why in July, Facing History facilitated a weeklong Advanced International Seminar hosted by North Shore Country Day School. Teachers from Northern Ireland, South Africa, England, Mexico, France, and the United States gathered in Winnetka, Illinois to discuss the issues and challenges educators struggle with and to exchange best practices.
Karen Murphy, Facing History's international director, recently shared her experience on the Global Learning blog, hosted by Education Week and the Asia Society. Read about the eight lessons she learned from facilitating the Advanced International Seminar.
Topics: Professional Development, International, Teachers, Europe
The Making of Defying the Nazis: The Sharps' War
Posted by Facing History and Ourselves on September 20, 2016
Facing History is the lead educational partner for the film, Defying the Nazis: The Sharps’ War. Learn more about how this documentary became a lifelong journey for filmmaker Artemis Joukowsky, III.
Make sure to catch the premiere tonight on PBS. The film will be available for streaming for two weeks following the premiere.
Topics: Film, Memory, Holocaust, Judgement and Legacy
5 Questions for Pulitzer-Winner Sonia Nazario
Posted by Facing History and Ourselves on October 2, 2015
On November 5, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Sonia Nazario will join Facing History in Cleveland, Ohio, for a Community Conversation—one in a series of public talks held across the country in partnership with The Allstate Foundation. You can RSVP here today. Ahead of the talk, we sat down with the author of the bestseller Enrique's Journey to discuss immigration, reporting during times of conflict, and the power young people have to shape our world for the better.
Topics: Books, Events, Immigration, Facing History Together, Sonia Nazario, Community Conversations